Tag Archive for: Durham From The Heart

Durham From The Heart Season 2 Livestream Series

Durham from the Heart is back, for a second season! Don’t let your week blur together–reclaim your Wednesday and mark the middle day with these 1-2 p.m. online performances at https://www.facebook.com/DowntownDurham

Comment in real time or just hang out. Sponsored by Downtown Durham Inc., curated by Sonic Pie Productions. If you live or work in Durham, North Carolina or Durham County and want to apply for this (paid) performance opportunity, email us at sonicpieproductions@gmail.com.

Sonic Pie Productions 2020 Crew

Downtime is the right time to create a strong “new normal”

The SPP Crew Takes Advantage of “Downtime”

The Sonic Pie Productions 2020 dream team! Left to right: Atiba BerkleyScram ReynoldsRyan Moeller, Jasmine Dml Battle, Tess Mangum and Jick Wins-Low.


What exactly is the “new normal” in the live events industry?

Look closely at the photo above and you’ll notice the full crew is masked up and distanced. It’s the “new normal.” Hand sanitizer is good for hands, but you can’t dip a microphone in it. With our entire high season cancelled due to Covid-19 mandates, we’ve been using the downtime (not downtime) to attend meetings via Zoom, scrub stage panels, wipe down muddy cables, write for small business grants, check in on colleagues, stay updated on production protocol and take care of and homeschool our children while schools remain closed.

Event Safety Alliance, a non-profit dedicated to promoting “life safety first” throughout all phases of event production and execution, has published a comprehensive 29-page Reopening Guide. This guide addresses health and sanitary issues that event and venue professionals need to consider in order to protect both patrons and workers.  It talks about sanitizing high touch items, staggered, scheduled bathroom visits, face masks, venues operating at lower capacity, how to pull off socially distant intermissions and concession sales…it’s an incredible resource.

GoFundMe, MusiCares, SoundGirls and the PPP

Thanks to you, we not only met but exceeded our first GoFundMe campaign goals with a total of $1185 in donations! Thank you so much. Thanks to MusiCares, SoundGirls, IBMA Covid-19 Relief Fund, Durham Arts Council Arts Recovery Fund, Durham Artist Relief Fund, the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) and other grants are also helping us get through, as our next live gigs might not come until fall.

Durham From The Heart concerts

Though that special magic of festival and outdoor music season is on hold, Downtown Durham Inc. has us managing a new project–Durham From The Heart.

Durham from the Heart is a weekly online performance featuring Durham musicians. Tune in to facebook.com/DowntownDurham at 1 p.m. on Tuesdays to experience some of what you love about Durham and connect, virtually, to the downtown Durham community. You can comment, cheer them on, or even play with them from the comfort of your home. Follow #durhamheart for up-to-date information and details. Featured next Tuesday: Jay Attys. Performers are paid a stipend but to tip him virtually via Venmo: @Jay-Attys, or CashApp: $JudnerAttys. Here’s why he’s one to watch!

Jay’s M.A., from NCCU, is in Jazz Studies.

“I remember when I first saw the picture of Emmett Till and the feeling it brought. I was in the 4th grade at Whitney Houston Academy. It made me sick and brought me to tears. They made it a point to teach us about our history and our music. Although I was born in Haiti, I felt a visceral connection to the culture of Black America. I was especially drawn to the music. There was something about Gospel, Blues, Soul, and R&B that moved me. The struggles and stories of a people were embedded in those sounds. Music spoke to me louder than words ever could. It healed me where medicine could not go.

Recently, I have been feeling that same feeling that I felt in Ms Wood’s class in the 4th grade. The only thing that brings me peace is music. I laid a foundation for my sound at Duke for undergrad. I had the distinct honor of pursuing a Masters degree in the great African American tradition of Jazz at the best HBCU in the world: North Carolina Central University. I am so grateful I got to go to a place that cared about a tradition that has been ostracized from pop culture. I am now a storyteller.

In my sound I hope to uphold the integrity of the history while presenting a voice that is uniquely my own. I want to heal as I have been healed, love as I have been loved and continue the walk to preserve our history that was started thousands of years ago in mother Africa.

Durham from the Heart is a weekly online performance featuring Durham musicians. Thank you Sonic Pie Productions for selecting me as a featured artist. Tune in to this link 1-2 p.m. on Tuesday for some music therapy. I have worked to pour my SOUL into every note of every phrase of every song. The world needs some sonic healing right now.”